
gosh stfu

April 10 2008, 9:40 PM

i hope you mean it when you say your gonna stop. i know you like seeing me mad and all but what you say is just mean.

especially since your not talking about me your talking about him and you barely even know him.

and you talk shit about her and you dont even know her.

dude seriously get to know someone before you get to the part where you talk shit. its like talking shit about my family. and you know you're like my family but you act like the sister in law one of my brothers married that nobody likes and he doesnt like you but he doesnt have the heart to get a divorce. I dont like them better than you becuhs I dont choose favourites. and with him its completely different so yeah.

if i say the same about the one guy youll say its different when its not. so just shut up im tired of it. its not funny.


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  • 15 years old


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Last update Apr 19, 2008
